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Zyner's 212th & CG Base Invasion


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Who helped (If applicable):

Square, Korm

Event Name:

Base Invasion

Summary of the story:

Republic became wary about volcanic activity on a distant planet and sent out the 212th & CG to explore it, they quickly found it to be a CIS facility. Inside, Scientists were being held captive to work on the weapon which used volcanic energy to power up a beam which destroyed the Acclamator they arrived in. They stormed the facility and took shelter in it as the CIS sent reinforcements and cornered them inside. The Frigates deployed forces to corner them as CG & 212th investigated the facility and its purpose. Some of the aliens being captive were released as a defensive measure, eventually the facility began to overheat so CG quickly began to work on replacing the coolants. The CIS breached the facility and while the troops held out as long as possible, it was futile against two Frigates worth of enemies. They eventually fired the lazer against one Frigate as the other began evasive maneuvers. With no other choice, CG secured the Scientists as 212th backed them up and they escaped through the water ventilation as they set the facility to self destruct. They held out at the old outpost until EVAC came for them as the last wave of enemies surrounded them.

What was the result of the event?:

CG & 212th destroyed the facility & saved the Scientists

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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