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Operation Headway

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Name: Walon Vau

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58849322

Who helped (If applicable): Reborn, Rick, Shaman, Smoke, Abel

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/168WteB0n2wExb4X7JzRdB3G2-pD22ncZH_pQB3bKUhg/edit

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Jedi Temple taken over, stability had to be measured while also managing against the CIS. New Sith presence revealed.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A

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Head Admin



This was not a fun event for me. Was just a meat grinder with some Sith RP. Banning force powers on EJ's is lame as heck especially when they're going after clones or jedi that are meditating. Not a fan, hope your next one turns out better! 


       Zeros          Clutch



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the event felt rushed when it came to certain parts mainly in the section where the turret was just killing everyone, it kind of made others not want to play the deployment along with how some of the EJs only went after those who weren't attacking others 

Current 501st 332ndO SSG Blaze 

formers: CG Major Jek ,  Senior senator Lux Bonteri , 501st TCO Cpt Hawk 332ndO major  Jesse ,  Vice chairmen Mas Amedda 

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Terrible experience with every teleporting door having an insane amount of droids on the other side of them. Force wielding EJs targeting clones with ~5 jedi surrounding them is incredibly boring because a clone cannot fight back in that situation if they have any concern for hitting the jedi chasing the EJ. Overall, the combat was a cluster and there was no rhyme or reason to it in my eyes.

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