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Name: BOOM

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:649268514

Who helped (If applicable): Rick, Smitty, Grayout, Kelvin, Stormzy, Mundus

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Due to Ventress failing on her last mission appointed by Count Dooku, she has fled her master and the Sith and has joined arms with Boba Fett. The Count has offered us Master Piell in the exchange of us hunting and capturing her. However after killing Bossk, Boba and capturing Ventress. We found out Dooku was lying and took of with Ventress, the Jedi Master was never really alive....

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Head Admin


I felt that the restrictions you put on utility were unreasonable, esp when myself and another member of 2ndAC used a map door to get on a building, and were then turbolasered with no warning

       Zeros          Clutch



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