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Azara's GM Application

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Name: Azara / Koan
SteamID: 76561198159438487
How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 90:21:42
From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8.5
Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I’ve always enjoyed creating and telling stories, especially ones that involve nonexistent things in the real world. Joining the GM team would allow me to create and bring fun and engaging narratives to life for the community to enjoy. I believe that with time and effort, combined with my current knowledge of SW lore, I will be able to craft events that are not only enjoyable but also slightly challenging to navigate. Additionally, I enjoy collaboration and would like to be able to collaborate with other members of the GM team to hopefully bring a unique experience every once in a while to the server.

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes

Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM.

Event Server: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VSD1SsHXxPdCmCYlbVjEf8UiUTtX-lxom1TFBasE-t0/edit#heading=h.xzdjdu3d5iu0
Main Server: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dOH01pgo3jaoOE8I0OAvk2cRiT1NPVcw51QFA8_IAwY/edit#heading=h.xzdjdu3d5iu0

Edited by Azara
  • Pay Respect 1

Naval RID LT Armand Isard | Jedi CG TG XXVIII | Formerly: Naval Koan

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  • Does do entertainments a lot as naval so I know he can run good event type rps.
  • Is in a really RP heavy branch within Naval (RI)
  • Does hop on the server a lot
  • Also the docs do look really well formatted


  • Is applying for 2 separate positions at the same time

Final score 4/1 resulting in a +1

Edited by Tundra8946
Removing something
  • Dumb 1

Current: Naval COE Orson Krennic | Formerly: Naval ENG Jones

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+1 Good docs!

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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GM Leadership


Current: Diplomatic Services | TGM III | Senior Admin | Game Master Officer

Former: 501st CMD 332nd Vaughn | 332nd Officer Sterling | TC Boomer | TC Hardcase 

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Veteran Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview!


Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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Veteran Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team!



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