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Name: Swirl

Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:1:20247829 (Alastor) STEAM_0:58849322 (Kaner)

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ojNgCT3Q0C95QNhM0Ocd_CGBgSzEb072Wh6WNMRh5u0/edit

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  N/A

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A

Please rate using this scale 

Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort: 

Server Performance: 

Edited by SwirlActual
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3/4/4   Couple issues as far as gameplay, first and foremost health. Random goons especially with the numbers spawned should not take 4 shots of a cycler rifle to take down. 4 shots at 390 damage each is nearly 1600 damage meaning they have somewhere between 1200 and 1600 health. Secondly I think they were on perfect accuracy with a t-21, that just shreds any and everything they lock onto which with perfect accuracy and 50 damage in large groups is an instakill. Thirdly this is just a suggestion but having more player choice and agency would be nice. I like how you tried to help guide me a little but some more player choice and agency within RP would be nice. And avoid the /me escapes kinda stuff. It would've been more fun to have a prisoner to interrogate or to say he was interrogated when he was locked down in a room of sleeping gas. The last 2 things are just suggestions but the first two I highly recommend taking into account. Also the random CIS backup when CIS don't like DW and vice versa was a little much with how fast they showed up.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the detailed feedback. 

1. Health of Enemies: The highest health any enemy had was 1,000, and those were the captains. I will look into balancing the health of random goons to ensure they don't require an unrealistic number of shots to take down.

2. Enemy Accuracy: I will also review the accuracy settings of enemies with T-21s. It seems their perfect accuracy and high damage output in large groups are causing balance issues, making it feel like an instakill scenario.

3. RP: Your suggestion for more rp and agency is appreciated. I will work on creating more opportunities for players to make decisions and have a greater impact on the RP. 

4. CIS Backup: I will reconsider the logic and timing of CIS backup appearances. Given the existing tensions between CIS and DW, the quick arrival of CIS backup might have been too abrupt and unrealistic. This was due to me not knowing the DW ship name.

Thanks again for your input. I will take these points into account to improve the experience. :peepoLove:


44 minutes ago, Levii said:

3/4/4   Couple issues as far as gameplay, first and foremost health. Random goons especially with the numbers spawned should not take 4 shots of a cycler rifle to take down. 4 shots at 390 damage each is nearly 1600 damage meaning they have somewhere between 1200 and 1600 health. Secondly I think they were on perfect accuracy with a t-21, that just shreds any and everything they lock onto which with perfect accuracy and 50 damage in large groups is an instakill. Thirdly this is just a suggestion but having more player choice and agency would be nice. I like how you tried to help guide me a little but some more player choice and agency within RP would be nice. And avoid the /me escapes kinda stuff. It would've been more fun to have a prisoner to interrogate or to say he was interrogated when he was locked down in a room of sleeping gas. The last 2 things are just suggestions but the first two I highly recommend taking into account. Also the random CIS backup when CIS don't like DW and vice versa was a little much with how fast they showed up.


Edited by SwirlActual
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