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The Cultist Revenge and the Death of Wolf


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Name: Wombat

Who helped (If applicable): Zyner, Valdor/Binkutrila, Grinch.

Event Name: The Cultist Revenge and the Death of Wolf

Summary of the story: The republic jump to an asteroid field to help an acclamator going down where they find 2 CIS frigates. One is shot down but the other stands and is boarded by a brave trooper, Wolf. He locates the engine room and attempts to set off a det, but the timer is bugged. He then sets off the det manually and dies, taking down a CIS frigate with him. In the meantime, 5 cultists enter the ship to try and kill as many people as they could.

What was the result of the event?: Wolf died and Cultists and CIS were killed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

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