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Saving commandos and taking out a CIS Factory

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Name: Niner

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121254489

Who helped (If applicable): Shakes,Bana,Island,Jake

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Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): You went to geonosis and to save a squad of commandos and destroy a CIS Factory

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As surprise deployments go this wasn't bad but if I googled what a meat grinder was this would probably be on page 1 maybe not top result but 100% page 1 

The 4 man SOBDE squad was a good idea and enjoyable, the "move along the canyon path, oh wait now turn around and go back to where you started" was not super cash money. Again, would've been a lot better if it wasn't meatgrinder.jpg

Hit reg for droids was horrendous, possibly due to the amount of shields that were placed along the map and never picked up. No significant lag spikes though outside of that. 


                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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