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CWRP - (Jugh) Staff Application


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RP Name:Jugh/Hardcase

Steam ID32:STEAM_0:1:478099590

VIP (Y/N): Y



Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would Like to have more active and responsive Staff Members. I would like to help players out by setting up sim rooms, setting up Patrols, setting up cits , ETC. I would like to help new players get used to and feel welcome on the server. I would Like to help with minging on the server. It never hurts to have more staff members able to help. I'm pretty active and I'm bored a lot so it would be nice to have stuff to do.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm pretty active since I have nothing to do since I'm on summer break. I've been on the server a little over a month (36 days). I also enjoy playing on the server and helping People out.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars 365:01:26

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+1. Everyone needs to start somewhere. And Jugh would be a great person to have join the staff team. He's active, wants to help people, and I know Jugh would be a great fit for the team as well just adding a touch of humor and good graces to every situation. On top of that, dude knows how to keep levelheaded. I don't think I've seen him mad once in the entire time we've been TC, or 501st. Dude is stone cold calm.

spacer.pngThe One, The Only, The Squid

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