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The Great Kidnapping

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Name: Deathtiger

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419522160

Who helped (If applicable): Bana, Alying

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Dooku arrived on base and made an attempt to kidnap Senator Gume Saam. He was stopped from doing that and Asajj Ventress came to break him out of the Brig but was also stopped. After this the CIS help arrived and broke Ventress out of the brig where she kidnapped Palpatine and escaped to trade with the republic for Dooku.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A

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Head Admin

4/4/5 Great event! Besides Ventress refusing to counter roll 3 times during the brig fight, but other than that this was very fun and very intriguing with the passive RP Gume Saam and CG had created! 

       Zeros          Clutch



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