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Milks Staff application


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RP Name: TR 501st CPL Dat/Milks 

Steam ID:

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern U.S

  • Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum) The reason why I want to be in staff because I want to help the Community, When I first came on the server I thought this server was boring but after a few weeks after playing synergy, I later joined rancor then after that the server got better for me and Synergy RP made star wars rp fun and Funny for me and I want to give back to Synergy, I also want to help the server grow.. Another reason why I want to be staff respond to people problems I don't want people to wait more then 30 sec for a staff Member to come and respond to there problem like for example If a guy gets stuck in the  wall   I want people to respond to that  really quick. I also like synergy role play and its really hard for me to get off playing Synergy. I would really hate to see synergy to become unpopular. I also want to make the server fun for players, new players on Synergy, old player on Synergy I'm also willing to assist other staff like in events when I reach the rank. I want to be staff, Staff is my main goals in playing star wars RP, Icefuse didn't give me a  chance to let me be  staff, I will be a good staff member. I want Synergy to be a fun star wars RP server. I want people to think "wow this server is really fun, I'll play this server more often' maybe i'll donate". I dont want people to think "this server is an rip off of icefuse every thing sucks on this server i'm giving this server a 3 out of ten, I'm never coming back to this server again". Im also willing to put effort when I'm in staff. I'm willing to do my best in staff, I'm Available at all day Sunday, Saturday night,  All week days at afternoon and evening at 3:30-9:30pm in the week days . 


  • Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hi I am a TR and I like a lot of things one of the things i like is memes.  memes are funny and I also have my profile picture after a meme, almost every day i just watch memes and sometimes I even think of making my own memes i haven't made any yet I'm planing to make my own memes.  I am also a fan of Si-Fi movies, one of my favorite Si-Fi movies are  star wars and Starship troopers. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? yes I do have experience on another server called hierarchy gaming.  

Edited by Give me dat milk back
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You have been accepted for an interview!

Please contact an Overseer by 1/25/18 for your interview.


Best of luck!!!

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Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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