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Piston's GM Application

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Name:  GM CPL Piston

SteamID: 76561198125816893

How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 90+ (server down at time of app, can update later if necessary)

From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I believe my knowledge sits comfortably at a 7/10 (5 being average) but I know a good bit of niche stuff as well, so potentially an 8/10.

Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I work second shifts for my job, often getting home at 10pm CST and not being able to sit down for another hour. By this point on most weekdays the server is down to about 20-30 people and not much goes on beyond idle chatter. I'd love to be able to spice up this timeframe for those who stay up later by hosting events. I've got some fun ideas for things that could be done, be it sims in the sim room or other more out there ideas like jawa boxing and...we'll table that for now. Point being, there's a lack of activity around this time and I'd love to be the person that steps up and helps bring some life into the server for those like me that don't have much of a choice due to outside commitments. I choose Synergy over other servers simply because the community is so much more relaxed and accepting than other servers, not to mention I've previously been staff here too. Granted it was nearly 7 years ago, but I think the point remains. I like Synergy, and I wanna help my late night chaps out.

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yup. Simple as.

Link us to 2 event documents

Event Server event doc:  The Bastion

Main Server event doc: The Cube

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Veteran Admin


Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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I would just like to comment on the Main Server event doc, it more feels like an encounter just due to a lack of roleplay for the troopers. I love the event server doc clear effort, very organized, and looks like a great deployment. +1 if you are able to add just a couple of roleplay elements to your doc!

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Veteran Admin
14 hours ago, GM Codes said:

Main Server event doc: The Cube

This has no RP it is more of an encounter if it had a story then it would be an event I would rework this document

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Veteran Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Veteran Admin

Unfortunately, your application to become a Game Master has been DENIED.

You are allowed to reapply after 2 WEEKS from this date.



Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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