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The Corrupted Holocron

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Name: Hardcase

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:219891972

Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:52282291 (Moose) STEAM_0:0:448502257 (Ghost) STEAM_0:0:144976775 ( Vortexuss) STEAM_0:1:530398496 (Lilj) STEAM_0:0:791512237 (MeachPango)

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/17oiMWBxuwPNmOxqwS1jJYFKr9N2IEsGLZsMaKkUL9NM/edit?usp=sharing

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Jedi Counsel has recently picked up a trail of an unknown disturbance in the Krayiss II system, matching the description of an Ancient Sith relic thought lost to time.

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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Alright i'll be honest here. I did not enjoy this event. The most honest criticism I can give you is do not deploy the entire server if most of the event is going to be oriented to one group of people without giving the others something to do. Alot of the clones were bored during Jedi RP cause we got told there was nothing we could do. Other than that, I like the idea of the concept but it could've been executed better. Otherwise, thank you for the effort judge.


Autism made me do it.

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Head Admin


There was clear effort in your event and it looks like it was set up pretty well. I personally did not find any enjoyment in it except for the first 15 minutes, but the deployment was over 2 hours so thats a small drop in the bucket. After seeing some clips of the event, it was clear that this was mainly a jedi event. I would recommend finding something for everyone to do on a 90+ pop deployment rather than just catering to one faction. 

CG kept in the brig on the Venator because we had absolutely no idea what was going on on the main map. We heard the briefing and understood the story, I think maybe there was a huge communication disconnect within the server, and that might not be on you, but we had no clue what went down. 

I hope your next event appeals to the main populous a lot more. Good effort, looking forward to next!

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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This event was a bit like the Fast & Furious movies--they just don't know when to stop making them. The event was allowed to quickly devolve into disorder, with people running around the map aimlessly with no plot or direction. It felt like the intent was to compete with Zack Snyder's Justice League for longest runtime, except unlike the film, this event was mostly filler that could've been left out, and it ultimately stopped being fun after about ten minutes.

Edited by Kessel
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