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Neins' staff aplication


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Name: TR ST PK QM RSO 2ndLT Neins

Steam ID: STEAM 0:0:225102166

Age: 14

Gender: Attack Helicopter (male)

Time Zone: CST (US)

I would like to become an admin because i want to help expand the server. Also to take care of minges and dumbasses. I want to also become a game master so i can make some events that are completely diffrent then some others. Also i want to be able to help st with building things that we need. I also want to bring new people into the server so new ideas can be spread. And my last reason is i want to take the leave off of other staff members.

For being a 14yr old im actually really mature. I like playing sports irl and try to get on when i can. Then i have been playing on the server for 6 1/2 months now.

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