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Hudson's Lore Entry Part 2 - Origins

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Hololog Entry 0.02

It's the dead of night. "Linx" and "Minx" are sound asleep, so I've snuck out to the Medbay.

No one is here, the room hums low with the sound of bacta trickling through the dispensers and tanks. I sit down at the entrance and his image appears for a moment. 

CT-5012 "Hudson". A clone that instilled confidence in me. Honored me. Built me up to be the soldier I am now. He made the ultimate sacrifice, and I remain. I can still see the helmet he wore flying through the air, the blaster fire tearing through his head...Everything after is a blur.

To honor his sacrifice then, I will make a sacrifice of my own. From out of my pockets, an incendiary grenade. Carefully removing the storage unit from the igniter, I doused the sides of my head. The fuel trickled down my neck and to my arms. Each second I waited with the igniter in hand felt like hours until I finally worked up the courage to light it.

A wave rolled through my body, and pure agony consumed my head and arms. I screamed out in the empty medbay before the sprinkler system activated. Alarms sounded and I heard the pound of footsteps outside the door as I crashed to the floor. The last thing I remember is "Linx" and "Minx" over me with terror in their eyes.

Then, everything went black.


CT-5021 "Hudson", reporting.

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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