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Andrew's Formal Introduction to Synergy

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Why hello all, since (like most introductions) there won't be a whole lot of people reading this I'll get straight into it

Buenos Dias, my name is Andrewmets and I've been playing SWrp for an entire year now. I have interests in lots of shit but I mainly do some graphic design (fancy word for meme making) and a little bit of cocaine on the side.

Now the bread and butter, I was excommunicated from Icefuse networks (back when that actually was not handed out like molestation on Halloween). Now unlike Ron I actually man up to my mistakes and tell people why I'm no longer in a community. I was banned for a pretty valid reason, I would have banned myself tbh if I was in Odyssey's shoes, Mass RDMing on an alt account and viewing emails of staff members, even though E-mails are public info it was still wrong, and I still sometimes regret it. However as look back at the situation and my actions I've realized that that event might have been critical to my development as a productive member of society. What I did online could have been a simulation of something that could have happened somewhere where it mattered. I lost a lot, and my life was impacted far more by those decisions then most people realize. 


Tl;dr : I think I'm good at graphic design, and I'm sorry I got banned at Icefuse but at the same time I'm pretty sure I needed the experience

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