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Rainn's Staff App


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RP Name: 327th MED SGT Rainn / Jedi C Padawan Rainn

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61032463

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central (CT)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  

In real life I like to help people, so why not help even more. I've been playing Garry's Mod for a very long time now. And their are always mingey, destructive people & annoying hackers on Garry's Mod servers. When I was just a user playing on these servers I would always see other playersdoing these actions and it really brought me down. Lot's of times players would even leave the server upset. But with good staff we can easily stop or prevent this from happening. My personal accomplishment is seeing a player happy because that is why we play games to be happy and have fun. I will always try to the best of my ability to help any player with any problem. I will take any rule someone is breaking seriously and make sure to fix it. Because the very friendly players in this community love to Role Play. And I will always make that experience great for them.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I love doing projects and work. I also love to code and make stuff. I would say I have a good work ethic because I know how to balance my time with IRL responsibilities and In-Game responsibilites like staff. I like to act professional and give off a good impression to others yet at the same time be fun with it all.

Do you have any previous staff experience? 

Icefuse Networks - CWRP: Admin

Kyros Gaming - HaloRP: Noble Admin

Oxide Networks - DarkRP/Deathrun: Moderator

Xerothermic Gaming - Deathrun: Admin


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