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[DENIED] CWRP - Soulless Staff Application

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RP Name: Jedi 501st Consular Padawan Soulless

Steam ID: 76561198353461419

VIP (Y/N): Y


21 (22 on the 21st of Jan)

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I have Enjoyed the sever for a bit now and I believe that I can be a great asset to the server. I want to be able to help others. I am on consistently so I can take tickets and help out. I don't really have much else because I can't really give you a detailed explanation why. I know that it takes a minute for some tickets to be grabbed and I would like to help out. I would love to help the with hosting events and setting them up myself.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am don't have much about myself but I am about to get out of the military. I love gaming and its been a passion of mine. I enjoy making friends and being chillax to hang out.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:

Different server but I was a Gamemaster manager and an Admin. I held consistent likeable events for others as well as helped set up tryout and spawning stuff.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:


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-1 like hysterical, need more hours on the server. Take this time to get to know more about the server and how it kinda works. Also happy birthday ;)

  • Pay Respect 1

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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-1 For starters, it looks like there wasn’t much effort put into this application. Also you don’t have the required amount of hours on the server.


Wishing you luck on your next application, don’t give up!

  • Agree 1

 Current: Admin, 41st Improcco Company XO REGL CPT Tenn, Navy ENS CAO


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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or a Veteran Admin+.

You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 DAYS from this post.


 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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