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Jirachi's Blue Shadow Blues


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Name: TGM Master Mute/Jirachi

Who helped (If applicable): Lazer, Reaper, Core, Lix, Duck

Event Name: Blue Shadow Blues

Summary of the story: The Republic Contacted the Venator to taxi ambassadors to Coruscant. One of the ambassadors who was blackmailed was tasked with releasing a modified strain of the Blue shadow virus, while 2 kage warriors infiltrated and acted as a failsafe. after the Kage were finished, a group of Mercenaries hired by an anonymous individual only known as the "Puppetmaster" attacked the venator, causing more confusion while the virus spreaded. After the mercenaries were taken care of, the Republic focused on ensuring that they eliminated the remaining Virus, before they lifted their quarantine

What was the result of the event?:All Ambassadors died, Kage warriors died, and the republic was able to create a successful cure to lift the quarantine

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 80% passiverp, 20% shoot-em-up, 100% trash.

Edited by JirachiSirachi
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  • Coordinator

So heres the thing the idea itself was great but at the beginning there was a message that messed up  the entire event, the fuel thing, You need to have control over the event job making sure its correct, but in the end it became annoying and people started getting mad at each other so -1 for the execution +1 for the idea

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