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Sphrax's Staff app

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Rp Name: My roleplay name is 2ndACS HTT CSM Sphrax/ QM CA Sphrax/ Jedi Padawan Sphrax

Steam ID: My steam ID is STEAM_0:1:206529529



Timezone: Eastern USA

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would love to become an admin on this wonderful server because their are a lot of nice admins on this server that help out the players that support our wonderful server but their are always people that try to ruining the players fun by shooting them or just making fun of of the player base and the admins try their best to stop it so the players that are here to roleplay and have fun dont have to deal with any of this stuff the minges try and do to the players but we need more staff members to help stop this nonsence and i have so much experience with staffing on so many other server's and i would be a wonderful help to this awesome server. I have also roleplayed on this server for months and now i want to help the server on the front and back side of things so this server can get to the top and stay at the top and keep bringing people back on to roleplaying. I would love to also help the server be the first server to end minging so our wonderful player base can roleplay without having to deal with any problems with these minges and do what they love to do have FUN. I am a great Listern and follow all the rules given to me so i can be a great admin and help out the server and i supported the server with money i earn and i can give money more money if needed to help out the server if we needed to get anything new to put us on the top with the best stuff in SWRP.

Tell Us a liitle Bit About You(3 sentence minimum): Well lets start off by telling you guys my name it is Joseph i am 16 and i love star wars and clone wars i watched all filmes that were made about them and when i was little i played with the star wars lego's. I had a hard life my mom and dad got divorced in 2010 and my mom has just passed abut 2 weeks ago and it was really hard for me and i took a brake from all games and school and once i got back every one said their sorry for my lose and this is why i love this server. I am a good roleplayer and i have a truck and its pretty nice and i have a job, i work as a mechanic and get bank.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes i do i was a Head Admin on a server called NOTN it is still up but i have left it because i was getting yelled at for nothing. and i was a T-Mod on icefuse but i did not like what they were doing and left when the fall of icefuse happend.

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