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CIS fleet attacks sector 2


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Name: Jocasta Nu

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172202345

Who helped (If applicable): N/a

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): n/a

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The cis sneaked into the jedi temple and attempled to blow up the holocron vault and council chambers. However clones managed to difused the bombs in time. CIS semt their fleet to attack the temple however the clones managed to destroy the muni and then the mother ship with ease classic republic win as always

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: n/a

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Veteran Admin

5/5/5 Good Friday night event!

Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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