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Mando's Attack! Part 2!


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Name: Tiffany

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20247829

Who helped (If applicable): Yuji / Gree / Brit

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): With the Deathwatch Captain in possession of Republic data, he tries to sell to the highest bidder, that being DARTH MAUL! They both agree to meet at Thesh with the Mauldalorians escorting Darth Maul! The GAR caught wind of this and launch a full scale attack! Before they could capture the Deathwatch Captain, he blew a detonator strapped to his head and blew himself to pieces! Darth Maul was able to escape but without the stolen data thanks to the GAR!

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