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Modified Droids


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Name: Longshot

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171624266

Who helped (If applicable):

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Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A newly employed Engineer had been recruited by the CIS. He had modified the droids with improved armor and targeting system along with their movement to dodge blaster bolts. The Engineer wanted to test out these new made droids on a nearby republic Base on Onderon. He collected as much information about them as possible and hyperspaced away to continue working on them.

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Former: Senator Gume Saam, Ghost Company Wyler, 2ndAC Goji, 104th SGM, Tactical Droid 4268, TR DU Shadow Jedi, Senior Admin

Current: Oddball, SUPL, 501st Jedi Shadow, Veteran Admin, and Best-Looking Guy On Server


                                                                Warthog                               Hawk                                Oddball

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