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212th 1stLT Valdor/Shadow Knight III staff application


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RP Name: 212th 1stLT Valdor/ 212th Shadow Knight III Keltor

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15446554

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): i want to be staff to help the server with players issues and help the community grow. I want to help the players so they can have a fun, enjoyable gaming experience. I have lots of experience as staff on a dark rp server. i was staff for at least 8 months at least or longer. Kirara can confirm that she was staff with me on vitality servers. She was super admin and I was one of the leading admins. I am familiar with most of the commands. I also was staff on several TTT servers. Main server i was staff for a couple of years it was called Doug's Awesome TTT  server. It no longer exist because it was taken down by the owner. I also owned a minecraft server for awhile. I really like this server and I hope u can consider me as staff. I would also like to mention that i am a vip on the server. When im working or i am home i constantly check the discord for post relating to 212th officer things to jedi sentinel matters. I will honestly say that im not sure what i will have to do on the forums if i become staff but i am a willing to learn and do everything in my power to do my best as staff and do right by the server. I will actively check the forums while im on breaks at work to answer any questions on there. I do have adhd so it takes me longer to process info but once I do, i will have it down and i am dedicated. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) I am a Knight III on my jedi I am a sentinel manager and have been for a little bit. I work at Walmart as a cap 2 associate. I work shifts from 2pm to 11pm. Sometimes 2pm to 10pm. I am always off on Wednesdays. I played dungeons and dragons on Wednesdays nights and whenever I am not working I am playing my main gaming focus. Right now that is this star wars server. I played world of warcraft 10 years. I was a hardcore wow players. I started during Burning Crusade and that was around 2007. During my wow runs i have taken breaks from it to play Gmod. I have 3033 hours total on Gmod. i have and play tons of tabletop games because they are a lot of fun. My first system was a nintendo and i have been a gamer ever since. I would name all the gaming titles i have played but that list is to long and i don't remember all there names.

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  • 2 months later...

Uhhhhh this was Dec 15 2017 and you currently are a Senior admin im moving this to where its supposed to be 



// Moved to Accepted

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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