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Black's Jawa Rescue


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Who helped (If applicable):Kirara <3

Event Name:Jawa Rescue

Summary of the story:3 jawas with ending fuel asked to board the ship. they needed help. republic asked for it and gave them fuel. Jawas flew away but one of them stayed on the venator.Jawa was playing cars with RC when Ziro send Jedi Hunters Droids to save jawa. Jawa's mission was steal data.Droids took jawa out of IR. Jawa with droids started stealing the Data. one droid died. second droid was hidding. Jawa  was captured again. Last droid died. Jawa was escaping. he found small pistol so clones killed him.

What was the result of the event?:Republic won one jawa died. droid died.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Lot of RP. some shoot em up on the end.


First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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