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Zyner's Captain Dilema


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Name: Zyner | Plo Koon

Who helped (If applicable): Mocaris

Event Name: Captain Dilema

Summary of the story: The Captain family was approached by some Deathwatch and one of their brothers held hostage, blackmailed to steal data from the Republic by somehow getting into the Venator. Debris from their ship was shot towards the Venator, impacting it and they said they were here to retrieve it. In the debris there was an EMP device and they had to get it to activate inside the ship to fully shut down the systems.. By just their luck, a random shirtless Fisto fell into space and the family arrived just in time to save him and get access into the ship. The family members got into an argument before even attempting to retrieve the device and spilled the beans on the Deathwatch coming. One of them decided to leave due to the brothers fighting, but was seen escaping by the Deathwatch and shot down, luckily managing to fly back into the ship before blowing up. The EMP device went off, shutting down the lights and gates momentarily, the one family member who wanted to still save the brother took this moment to get to Command Deck and download the data. Deathwatch arrived and retrieved the data. The other two brothers surrendered to the Republic and told them everything. The Sister is out there somewhere with their brother.

What was the result of the event?: After a family dilemma, Deathwatch got the data.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Started as a roleplay event leading into a shoot 'em up.

Edited by Zyner
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