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Faoeoa's Attack Regimental Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Faoeoa [O]

RP Name:

RC 22 Omega Squad Atin

Jedi Commander Faoeoa

Steam ID:


Battalion you are applying for:

Attack Regimental (that of which oversees the 501st, 212th, Galactic Marines, 104th and 101st)

Why should you become a Commander?:

  • Activity - I am able to be active earlier in the days and in the night-times, ensuring that battalions whether they are leaning Eastern or Western are able to get the correct support they require - this gives me a much better view of situations within a battalion and furthermore not only helps the situation of each battalion but it also improves the growth of the server as a whole - which is critical during the initial period.
  • Experience - I personally believe to oversee Attack Battalions (Which is typically the largest and most active regiment of them all) you must have experience leading one of the larger ones - Back on Icefuse, I led the 187th (back before they were cast out to Defense) for roughly a month after Weeaboo left for DarkRP (after being his CXO), allowing it the conditions to grow to be one of the biggest battalions in the space of a week, and this was continued under Reaper. As my time as an RC Squad Lead as well, I can understand the needs of specific individuals in battalions as well as the need of the battalion as a whole, and since I have spent time with many of these battalions I believe I am already familiar with many of the systems involved in each battalion.
  • Discipline - I believe after taking a short break from Clone Wars Roleplay as a whole I should be much more disciplined in my actions - and this will be expected of all the battalions under me - primarily at public minging (As long as the minging is in private and does not interrupt roleplay for everybody else, it is for the most part not encouraged but it isn't terrible so to speak).

What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?:

  • As the first Attack Regimental, it is imperative that I oversee the initial creation of these battalions, therefore I will be holding meetings with battalions; one of which will be relatively informal (Moreso a checkin and how they're holding up) which will be on an individual battalion basis, as well as a weekly meeting with an agenda for battalions to discuss any issues they have regarding battalions issues, whether that be intra-battalion (within a single battalion) or inter-battalion (between battalions) - This is primarily to try and squash any growing issues before they become too large of an issue.
  • The time for the meeting will be discussed with each Bat. CMD and his higher officers to ensure maximum attendance, though people who cannot attend due to IRL issues will be able to contribute by sending me what they want to be added to the agenda doc in the meeting.
  • Aim to create relations with others on the ship as well as between attack battalions.- This will be achieved by hosting a multitude of simulations according to the demands of those players (for instance, I will be hosting attack / defense sims between battalions, perhaps bringing battalions from Defense / Specialised in order to improve the communication of each battalion in more realistic conflicts than exclusively NPC sims) - Training will also be created to try and achieve a similar role to Naval in providing training (though I will be contacting relevant people to create Medical and Engineering docs, and I'll be looking into creating more specialized training around the ship) - especially since some areas in Attack Battalions require you to be highly trained in non-combat roles as well (i.e. Kellers Unit).
  • Ensuring that things are happening at all times - downtime will hold non-mandatory simulations, training (with help from people specialised in their role respectively), drills (i.e. DEFCON 4) and PT - This won't be mandatory for the reason of battalions wanting to host their own tryouts and do their own thing as well, they should not always be strong-armed into it.
  • A private complaint system - a Google form that will be in my channel description where people can privately voice their concerns and if warranted, the person who filed the complaint can discuss it further in my channel. This is to try and prevent the building up of issues similar to the meeting system, though for more individual issues - furthermore my channel will always be open for discussion unless a private talk is needed.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?


Edited by Faoeoa
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+1, but during this Faoeoa, please make sure to not dip out of your plans. We need an attack regimental who continues to try to build battalion relationships. This has been a major problem that I have been working out endlessly with the 501st Legion with other battalions. We need to strive for the best of all attack battalions. Promise that you will be involved heavily with these attack battalions. Promise that you will uphold the standards of what an attack battalion should look like. That's all I have to say.

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55 minutes ago, Kain said:

+1, but during this Faoeoa, please make sure to not dip out of your plans. We need an attack regimental who continues to try to build battalion relationships. This has been a major problem that I have been working out endlessly with the 501st Legion with other battalions. We need to strive for the best of all attack battalions. Promise that you will be involved heavily with these attack battalions. Promise that you will uphold the standards of what an attack battalion should look like. That's all I have to say.

Absolutely, Kain.

IF I get Attack Regimental, I'll be working on speaking to every single commander in the sector ASAP in order to fix some of these issues; I understand there have been many issues over a long period of time for a lot of battalions in the attack area including 501st, and I believe that is the work of both Rex and the Regimental (and if necessary higher members of the Clone High Command) to try and fix.

Battalion disrespect will not be tolerated to battalions inside of the sector nor to battalions outside - simple banter is understandable but if there is ANY drama at all by disrespecting these people will be GONE - of course claiming your battalion is the best isn't a serious infraction of disrespect and some battalions will naturally have more elite portions than others but disrespecting other battalions by calling them shit or directly impeding their own functions will also not be tolerated.

Basically, will be typing up a lot of things to ensure that I know exactly what's going on regarding issues in battalion, and I've worked alongside two of the last three Attack Regimentals to some extent (Was a CMD under Graves and Necriss, but Hell Fire I mostly talked to him about stuff going on in the section itself) - I should also hope that knowing most of the people in the Attack sector (with the exception of the 104th since I'm not sure if Caboose is coming over) it should establish a decent foothold.

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1 hour ago, Destin said:

 -1 Only -1 on this document so far. Limited experience with him, but the experience I have had has been extremely negative. Spots should not be appointed because of friends but because of competence.

App was voided since I don't play on the server anymore.

Secondly, your own experience is me giving negative feedback on your reports on two players - I don't think this is particularly valid but moreso salt.

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