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Ares- Staff Application


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RP Name: TRO CG ESS 2ndLT Ares

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:52380082


Gender: Male

Timezone: GMT+0

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The want to be able to help the server advance and be moderated, to be helpful when needed. Seeing the current staff, I believe there is a good team as set and being a part of that team would be a pleasure on my behalf. To advance within the ranks of admin will be a personal wish through the experience (if it should be granted) to also help myself with being a TRO, as currently calling staff members is tedious for myself. To add to this, being able to assert my myself to any task that requires staff attention to fill my time on the server and to focus is always welcome in my eyes as this would just add to my responsibilities and enjoyment of the server. If you're not busy, then you're bored right? In an all round perspective staff is a stepping stone to bigger possibilities on the server and i'm very eager to take that first step. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 22 from Manchester, England. I am an easy going guy, but confident and focused on any task that requires my attention always. I'm a very straight up-to the point person and like to get situations resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible. Whilst TRYING to be an all round nice guy.

Do you have any previous staff experience? No, not on Gmod. I have staff experience in other games and what not and happy to give information if needed. But no staff experience on Gmod, but more than eager to learn.

Edited by Ares
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