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Zen - Rise of the Stellar Syndicate


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Who helped (If applicable):  Nobody due to half the server getting deployed


Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):

A pirate faction raided the Anaxes base under the gist of the faction leader,  Lord Staines,  after being scouted out by a Stellar Syndicate gonk droid.    Staines personally lead the attack while members of the pirate faction watch with awe.    Assisted by bounty hunters,  Stellar Syndicate forces make a dent of the Anaxes base before losing a ship and the rest planeside retreating with Lord Staines in tow. 

Members of the Stellar Syndicate laugh at the damage caused and plan for more operations in the area. 

there will be more of this in an upcoming deployment)

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Rezyll Azzir,  The Fallen,  and Kyr'am Of The CCS (hopefully got this right) 

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:


Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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