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BlackPink - First event in a while I guess

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Name: BlackPink

Who helped (If applicable): None

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Meena Till wanted to do something, so Black sun kidnapped her and asked the GAR 1 millions credits, which they did gave (like wtf). Black Sun wasn't happy so they started to shoot on the GAR. But they failed so the CIS also tried... and failed. Then they attacked the base and failed again.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no


Dislaimer: If you didn't like it, please say why so that I can make better encounter. It was my first encounter in a long while.

  1. Current: DU Sentry Knight Tiplar | Ex: Intel Deputy Director and Major in DU.


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10/10. Lots of RP. Lots of aciton

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Loved the event, lots of action to get stuck in with, as Lux, i found it very fun rescuing a fellow senator and loved the mix of aerial combat and ground combat. 
Maybe more RP? but tbh it was a great blend so not really needed in a downtime event. Great Job!

Discord: Mason#2710

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