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Mavelle Heavy ROA 12/14-12/28[COMPLETE]

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Name: Mavelle

Rank: VA


Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible):

Reason: Lots of days I won't be able to get on for the next week or two!

Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yuh

Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yuh

  • Informative 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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Your LOA has period has been APPROVED and LOGGED.

Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @.

If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.

Current: Free man
Former: Lotta things (Notably HA and Wolffe)

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