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The most powerful enemy

Kyle Vanhorn

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Field Marshall Billiam decided to lead his men back to Rishimoon to hold back the enemy forces. Field Marshall Billiam knew he has a disease that could not be cured. As he was giving his men a speach he was sniped by a man with order by Count Dooku. General Grievous thought that he could do better and requested an attack on Rishimoon to proove that he is the best leader. General Griveous's attack was stoped by the great defences of the clones. Darth Maul and Savage Opress decided they can do a better attack and led the Super Battle Droids into battle. It is a good thing the Jedis decided to lead a charge over their fallen Comrade Field Marshall Billiam. They pushed the remaining forces out of their base. Out of no where there were bombers that attack Rishimoon forcing the remaining of the men to Basecode 1 to go back to the ship and retreat.

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