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Scientist Gone Mad


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Name: Rickle

Who helped (If applicable): Mori, Nalon, Nado

Event/Encounter Name: Scientist Gone Mad

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A silent alarms goes off at Aurek notifying of non-biological life.

The troopers find a prisoner strapped to a bomb, they attempt to unstrap the prisoner. They unstrap him, but he starts shooting the troopers as he is a rouge one working for the scientists. The prisoner is unstrapped and a bomb goes off inside of him. They capture the prisoner and 2 commando droids infiltrate the base trying to save him, failing. The Scientist blew up with a bomb planted inside of him, killing himself.


:pepe5head:im retraded:pepe5head:

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7/10 cool 


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