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Yoda Turns to the Darkside (briefly)


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Name - Levii, Atlex

Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cvYFUxKPJqHPPW8OAjNeHLWUHGxbvsW0BQWEdaQ3RoM/edit

Helper - Destruction, Bosk, Hyena,  Abraham, Quads, Ja'Baku

Event Name - Yoda Turns to the Darkside (Briefly

Description - There was information on an incoming CIS attack on the base. When the attack came to the base Dooku talked over comms to Yoda wishing to meet him in person. The Jedi had to fight through droids while the clones were defending the base and hunting down a commando droid. Upon arrival Dooku expressed his wish to talk alone with Yoda but allowed the door to stay open. Dooku tempted Yoda but Yoda had other plans, to show Dooku how easy the darkside was to use. Yoda's skin went black and his saber turned red as he used force powers that would be forbidden by the Jedi to defeat the magnaguards guarding Dooku. Yoda then force choked Dooku, upon Dooku telling him to leave Yoda used one last burst of force lighting to force him to submit to capture. During transport he was rescued by CIS forces.

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