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Sith Becomes God

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Name: Coal

Who helped (If applicable): Unkindled, Aven

Event/Encounter Name: Sith Becomes God

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Sith Lord came on base, putting up a force barrier, in order for the republic to watch him kill the Jedi Master which had the artifact. The Sith killed the master and got the key, unlocking extreme power for the artifact that the Jedi did not know about it. They went to caves and locked themselves inside after they refused his gift of power. After putting a curse on Anaxes in rage, the Republic broke the rock, going back in the cave. They sacrificed a Jedi and Anaxes was set free, and the caves were blocked off with a much stronger rock, imbued with power to make it almost indestructible without the use of several Jedi. They opened the rock and found an artifact left behind as a gift for the sacrifice.




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6/10 forgot to rate earlier but It was kinda hard to follow didn’t know what was happening but I saw it when walking around with the boxes around base but ya just a little confused but there was some stuff to do so

Certified Giga Chad


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