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Crimson's Jedi Deployment


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GM Leadership

Name: Crimson

Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint, Snadvich, Scarecrow, Shake

Event/Encounter Name: A new threat emerging 

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Jedi were tasked by Rahm Kota to investigate on a outer rim moon due to a presence of dark energy. With Director Zey bringing news of the return of the Bando Gora this meant a all hand on deck for the Order. The quickly discovered that the cult was attempting to revive their old high prestress using Grand Master Yoda as a sacrifice. They also discovered some of the Bishops were current or former Masters. With the threat ended who knows if more are out there.




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Could not get responses on people who were trying to find out about various 'interactable' objects and RP parts. Me as well as a few others experienced it.

Also a few who felt they could not RP/interact with EJs that felt 'shut out'.

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