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B3.5 Appears


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Name: Levii

Who helped (If applicable): Apmo, Herold, Cassanova, Falco

Event Name: B3.5 Appears

Event description: A scientist that defected from the CIS arrived on base with a guard of clones. Among them was a disguised commando droid who was tasked with eliminating the scientist and escaping. He completed the elimination but not before information was given to the Republic about the B3.5 droids. Information gathered was that their armor was a special alloy infused with beskar, however the other metals weaken it enough to where multiple blaster shots can damage it. They also have an advanced combat AI making them deadlier. A deployment of B3.5s were sent to Anaxes to try to aid the commando and provide a distraction but the attack was repelled. 2 hunter droids and a more beefed up B3.5 attempted to destroy all republic data stored but were unsuccessful.


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