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Mist's Gamemaker Application

104th Mist

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In Game Name: TR 104th ENG TECH MED SGM Mist

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:163624392

How many hours have you played on Synergy? 92 hours.

From one to ten, how would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?

Canon : 10  Legends : 8 - 9

How good are your Leadership and Communication skills? 

My own opinion would be that i am half good. I am not inspirational, but i can certainly issue orders and have them followed.

Do you understand if you are inactive you will be removed from the program?

Of course. It is needed to maintain the efficiency of the server.

Give us an Event Idea you would like to produce:

I have always wanted to create a trench warfare style event that would be a long and arduous affair, consisting of a futuristic WW1 style offensive where a wave of LAATs would bomb the enemy trenches, 91st would destroy enemy comms, 212th would paradrop behind enemy lines, Wolfpack would extract an enemy High Command (General Grevious, or a Deathwatch Commander if this is Mandalore), then a massive offensive would begin where we would use 104th to pilot TX-130s and blitz the enemy trenches, followed by infantry to sweep and clear remaining hostiles, and an enemy surrender over comms. A preceeding event could have been a Defcon 1 Scenario, being shot down over the planet in which the above event takes place.


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