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Ching's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR SC HVY MSG Ching | Jedi K G WS 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61059175
Age: 14

Gender: Male 

Timezone: CST (US)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I would like to help synergy grow as a community. What happened was I was at Garnet Gaming and heard about the IceFuse revolt and decided I want to be apart of this! I mean after all, my community was beginning to get a bit stale and boring. So then I came over to Synergy and enjoyed it. I loved the roleplay aspect of it. I would love to help this community strive and grow to become one of the most fun and immersive Star Wars RP communities of all time. Plus, I always find myself doing nothing when I'm RPing and not gonna lie, I'd rather be taking staff sits and then sitting on my ass trying to get AFK hours. I just have the experience to be a Staff Member and I believe I can do more for Synergy. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Hello, my name is Ching or Chong. I'm vietnamese. I do Cross Country. My best mile time is 6 minutes I think? I love playing video games. Although I spend a lot of time on Synergy (500+ hours) I'm a straight A's student. I used to play soccer and won all 3 seasons undefeated. I grew up with eczema as a child and now it's kinda gone cause I worked my ass off to get it out. Just in general I am your typical Asian.  

Do you have any previous staff experience?

- Former Moderator on Garnet Gaming x2 (Military RP)

- Former Administrator for Buzzing Networks (Military RP)

- Former Manager for Buzzing Networks (Military RP) 

- Former Super Admin for Diverse Networks (Military RP) 



Monday - Cross Country practice and School - BUSY

Tuesday - Cross Country practice and School - BUSY

Wednesday - SAME - BUSY

Thursday - SAME - BUSY

Friday - School - AVAILABLE 

Saturday - AVAILABLE


(I had got Zander's permission to apply with my activity situation) 

Edited by chhing
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- you seem like a great kid, straight A’s, atheltic, what are you missing?? Haha anyways

- good quality on your application, good sources of experience. Iv had experience playing on garnet and it is a pretty established server along with its staff team. As well as good reasoning behind why you want to be staff.

best of luck on your application

~ Seven

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