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Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum) 

I want to be a staff member mainly so i can become a game master. On Icefuse, i became a game master purely for the entertainment of the players. To many times I sat around on the server and saw people complaining about never having anything to do. So i became a game master to change that, now, I want to bring that to synergy. I still do like my responsibilities of dealing with minges and taking care of new players as well, Those are all good too, but my main goal is to become a game master once again, and bring joy and excitement to the player base, because honestly, i do not think there is enough,

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum)

I grew up in da Norf (Alaska) until the ripe age of 18 where i moved to San Antonio for school and basketball. I am currently working on my education degree, and trying to complete my dream of playing professional basketball for the San Antonio Spurs (Im really close!). I also really like game of thrones and Dragon Ball, so if you ever want to come into my channel and talk about whether you think Vegeta will be the one to beat Jiren, or if you think Tyrion is really a Targaryen, im more than willing to conversate with you about it!

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Yes I was staff on icefuse for 5 and a half months.

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