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Arctican's Staff Resignation


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Name: Arctican.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126536255


Staff Rank: Senior Administrator.

Were you VIP: Yes.

Date: 23/10/20


Reason: To be honest before i put in my LOA i had a lot of negative interactions with people on the server, I get the impression that people do not want me on the server and at times it seems like people will do anything to ensure my failure here, I'm sorry you feel this way but that just isn't why I applied for admin or why I play the server, I applied to help the community and support the team and to have fun and not to put up with people's obnoxious comments towards myself when I'm simply here to play the game like anyone else. 

Ive met a bunch of really great people on here from all around the world and from a variety of different walks of life and that is something I've really enjoyed here aswell as being able to discuss different things and compare them to things over here at home. It was great meeting you all and getting to know some of you quite well (you will know who you are) but anyways I have digressed I've had some good times here and who knows maybe I'll once again return one day, I wish you all the best , Stay safe and Stay well.

Farewells:  There would be a decent amount, so i shan't list them, I'll just say you will most likely know who you are due to our interactions and I want to thank them people for being great and helping me to enjoy my time here.

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