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Fenrir- Cold Feet

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Name: Fenrir

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Summary of encounter: One of the 41st employed a BH to track CIS movements in the Ilum system. After some time a different signal was heard. Mando's were found on planet with an established FOB. The FOB was wiped and the leader got away but not before blowing up the generator and ammo stores.

Quick shoot'em'up for the early early mornin folks.


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10 very fun

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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