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Hurricane's Resignation[COMPLETE]

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Name: Hurricane


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109759050


Staff Rank: Senior Administrator

Were you VIP: Yes

Date: 8/8/2020

Reason for leaving: School is starting on August 13th. In the next coming months I'm going to be extremely busy with school and working with my family to help better our financial situation, during this time I will not be able to play on the server or fulfill my expectations.

Farewells: Just saying, I'm not going to mention anyone just because it was all of the community that made these few months an enjoyable experience. My time as a staff member was very fun and the opportunities I got were incredible and I will never forget them. I appreciate all of the people I got to work with and stay up late nights until like 6 AM (PDT) lol. This server kept me extremely entertained during all of my quarantine which I appreciate a lot. I hate to have to leave like this on such a short notice and stuff but I'll come back when the time is right but for now I cannot continue to play because of current events happening in my life.

So to wrap this up (just because I don't want it to be too long) I just wanna say again, THANK YOU GUYS for making these past months amazing from 4/2/2020 to 8/8/2020, See ya.


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  • 3 years later...
Head Admin

Your resignation has been LOGGED.

Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.


                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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