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The Blockade

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Name: Wren

Who helped (If applicable): Deathtiger , Conradius , Levii , Chaseman

Summary of encounter: A senator recived a transmission from a camp on tatooine that the cis had slaved the villagers of the camp the senator  then sent the Attack Battalions To Tatooine they were met with a droid presence that had slaved the village they pushed there way through the planet and took the village they then called the senator who had the supplies and successfully dropped off the supplys and the villagers were greatful. The clones got ambushed by some droids that got left behind the clones took them out and went to the laat and the senator left the plant secured.

Aye I'm in 212th!

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5/10, The event was overall average as it is still a work in progress. There was really nothing much happening during the event. What I'd suggest is that you think things out more and it will give you a much more interesting and detailed event. Looking forward for more of these events. 

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Just now, Korm said:

You did fine for a small "relief mission"

it was a trial sorta thing the senator had in mind there will be more action packed ones this was just to see how well it would preform

Aye I'm in 212th!

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