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Public Council Records for 10/11/17


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New Consular Lead - Newt

Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Allowing Pure to use the lore name Kai Hudorra - Flynn/Pure - Passes

Allow Jedi General+ to transfer through branches without having to go through branch trials. They already have the trials, no reason to make them go through trials. (Was sorta already thing, just want to make official.) - Dargon - Passes

Use Pistols, weapon specialists should not. Use a Lightsaber first, they do not. Restrict these, we must. (Restrict more, and say it’s only for last resort, but that may be a bit hard to police) - Dargon - Passes

Scrapping the Jedi Commander rank as there is almost no reason for it to be a thing, instead allowing Jedi Master to take it’s place on the hierarchy and have a vote in the Jedi Council but restrict newly promoted masters to be on a one or two week trial period before getting a vote. -Dargon/Ginyu/Chumbus - Passes

Removal of Regimental Jedi. - Dargon - Passes

Allow VERY VERY VERY GOOD Unnamed Masters have the chance to become Jedi generals (Can only be promoted by Yoda and Mace) - Chumbus - Passes

Adding Jedi Ace as a Jedi Service Group, basically meaning they would serve the purpose of training Jedi Knight+ in Piloting, have priority over Jedi Starfighters, and work in squadrons together. Saesee Tiin, Anakin, and Plo Koon would be honorary members. Ace would have a limit of 16 members as well. Being four squads of four. This group solves the issue of pointlessness present on old Ace by having them be for the purpose of Pilot Training Jedi. Already created a Roster with links to the Training Guidelines which i have already written, a Rules document, as well as a form to log trainings, Trials will be linked before the meeting as well. - Llama - Passes

Allow Jocasta Nu to have the choice to work with the Lorekeeper Jedi only. (Not a bat/freelance jedi) -Chumbus/Weeaboo - Passes

Can’t be a Named Jedi General and Commander or Battalion Commander for the same battalion. This is the true Winkerz Law. - Dargon/Weeb - Passes

Change High Council meeting times to 7:30pm EST, it's better. - Chumbus - Passes

Recommendations for Promotions/Demotions in the order (EO)

Master/Branch Interviews

Commander Reports (EO)

Named Master Promotions (EO)

Shaak Ti - Weeaboo, Chumbus, Nightmare to attend trials.

Jocasta Nu - OPEN

Plo Koon - Pure

Quinlan Vos - Hudson

Open Floor PTS. (EO)

Edited by Dargon
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