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Mav's LOA 6/27-7/1

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Name: Ryan N. | Mav

Staff Rank: SA

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1909381

Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): Till roughly 7/1, or so, will explain why its not set as of yet in reason.

Reason: So as some are aware but not many I have been going through a rough divorce and have still kept up my duties and such with work and ex wife being absolutely crazy. But it's gotten the the point I need a small break of sorts as I am being forced to move cities as I cannot afford to live where im at anymore due to the ex-wife screwing me over. Hopefully in a week i'll be re settled and have internet but until then i'll probably still try to hop in ts and be active in discords and such, I am sorry to have to put in an LOA but due to the circumstances it's been rough for me.

Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: N/a But Yes.

Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes, spoke with HA+ about this and it shouldn't be longer than a week and if so I will revise and get with a director asap!

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Sorry @Bananaberry I spoke with an HA and let them know it was gonna be a few more days as I actually didn't have internet today I should be coming back from LOA or since I most likely wont be on tonight we will say officially July 5th 2020 Daddy comes back Im running off a 2.4ghz wifi USB from 2010 so It wont be crisp but I will be back in a technical fashion



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