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Tucker- The CIS actually got the job done

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Name: Tucker
Who helped: Wolfro, Killjoy, DJ, Juicebox

Summary:  The CIS were looking for large kyber crystals to work on the death star, so they sent in 2 commandos disguised as CG to infiltrate the base from the back yard in a landspeeder. If the 2 commandos were discovered, they were to send a signal to a hiding CIS fleet to launch an attack so they could escape in the chaos with the data. There was a miscommunication at the beginning on the CIS's part where a captian pre-maturely sent in some droids. The 2 commandos infiltrated the BCC, downloaded data on kyber crystal locations, and then a few battalions of droids were called in to distract the republic troopers so they could make their way to the landspeeder in the back yard. They then proceeded to an LZ for away from the base where they were extracted with the data. 
-Be on the lookout for part 2, stopping the CIS from storming a jedi templt and stealing the kyber crystals-
please rate 1-4 It helps the GM program!

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