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Rickle's Encounter

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Name: Rickle

Who Helped: N/A

Summary Of encounter: There was a Force Sensitive Jawa that was trained by General Grevious himself, he didn't reveal himself until one of the knights/masters found out that he was part of the dark side. He then burst out with force lightning and everything he had on the jedi, killing anyone in his path, though he didn't have a lightsaber. They knew he was force sensitive so they dueled him to see if they could beat him, and they didn't in the duels. When they found out he was using the dark side they then chased him around planets and eventaully killed him.

Note: Didn't really interact with the clones, but I feel that jedi don't get events that they get to participate in the whole thing. Also probably going to do a second version.

Edited by Rickle

:pepe5head:im retraded:pepe5head:

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