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Man i hate that zim guy


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he's always like updating the server and like... doing stuff that makes me angry. Like that time he said "Im GuNnA ReMoVe AlL HiGh CoMmAnD" and then he wanted to actually go through with it can you believe this guy? I also heard he said that all of the people in Rancor have really large big toes on their right foot, Which isn't true because that's only their left toe. He also said that he wants to make all perma weapons cost 1 billion credits because fuck you, Like this dude seriously is not epic.
In conclusion demote zim to CT thank you for coming to my ted talks. 


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I am an Ape. I was told to visit this forum post to talk about this Zim Guy. Me Ape think he is a cool guy alright people. He works harder to make people enjoy the server, but it comes to me that some think he never does anything for this server and question why he is a Founder. Please refer to yourself as an Ape alongside me if you think so. Now for me to attack this Zim guy. He is also an APE and is Smelly.

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