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Alan's Staff Application.


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RP Name: TR 2ndACT IT MED 2ndLT Alan

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68374613

Age: I am 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I joined this community a couple of months ago. When I first joined I was new to the whole StarwarsRP thing, but thankfully people helped me they were nice and kind to me. I want to become a member of the staff team because I love this Community/server. I want to make this community/server more fun for all the players in it like the staff did to me. I want to see this server grow. I want to see new players enjoying the server. I know how the game works now, and the rules of the server. I know how to deal with pressure. Joining the staff team will help me out as a TR it would make me quicker. If I do get accepted I will try to answer to tickets the fastest that I can. I really don't want minges to ruin the experience of people who actually want to play the game and RP. I will make sure that those kind of players are out of our community. I will put all my time and effort to staff. I will try to be the best staff member.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):  Well, My name is Alan I am 15 i'm a sophomore. I personally think I'm fair with everyone. I am currently living in Chicago.IL, I  have one brother(Diego). I like all sports, But some of my favorites ones are baseball and Football. I am currently in a Baseball team. I am very active in Gmod.Right now I have 1806 hours on. I'm on the server at least two hours a day.  

Do you have any previous staff experience?  OblivionTTT- I was a Mod


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Neutral... i understand your commitment but 2hours isnt very much for a staff member as i have previously stated for someone else's application... thats like 1 CC training and maybe 2 if you really try and even then thats not going to be very much tickets being taken as the main part of a new admin even just admin is going to be training

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