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Ray's Staff Application


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RP Name:TR 101st Commander Rays

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:80059877



Timezone:UTC/GMT -5 Hours

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I wish to be a(n) administrator because I have been with this community since it first popped up during the summer and I absolutely love it as a whole and I do not wish to see any form of rule breaker go unpunished.I also wish to try and make a change for the better on this wonderful server and help those who need the help in anyway I possibly can.There have been times that people have needed help just for there to not be any form of help available and it was a urgent issue.I also wish to one day try and become a Game Maker so as to help keep the community entertained while we are in down time.I also wish to assist this community in anyway it demands if I am to be accepted by the higher ups of Synergy Roleplay.Many people try to come on this server and try to ruin everyone else's fun and I wish to stop them and shut down anything that wishes to ruin the fun of many on this server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I am 17 years old and I have played Gmod over the span of 5 years and have come around to Star Wars RP when a friend recommeneded it to me and as things went on I found this server and have loved it since.I am a Senior in High School while also being a part of the school's Tennis team(Har har i play tennis)but even though I have school stuff to worry about I still make time to play on the server at night as I love gaming more than I care for school.Whilst I don't have a job currently I do plan on trying to get one once I graduate so as to one day further donate to the server when I can.

Do you have any previous staff experience?I was a Senior Mod on a serious roleplay Navy Seal RP for a now dead community and I was mostly in charge of creating events for those on the server to enjoy.


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